ICA Team


Chess Instructor


Vitaly's grandfather taught him to play chess at the tender age of 6, and he has liked the game ever-since. Having achieved only an average club player rating of 1800 in his native Ukraine, since immigrating to America at the age of 14, he continued, spending time outdoors in the summer months playing chess and never abandoning the hobby.


Like many instructors and coaches in today's chess world, Vitaly was also “pulled” into teaching kids. He has been teaching on and off for over 20 years, inspiring many young students.

Often acting like a kid himself, he transmits knowledge easily and children feel like he is one of them (which is true). Other times, being strict and direct allows Vitaly to be effective in reaching the minds of his students.

After reaching a self-professed spiritual transformation, Vitaly has acquired a new and different perspective on the world and the game, and nowadays abides by his own philosophy of making it unique and fascinating, to say the least. Today he views teaching as a passion, a mission, and a desire to please more than simply being a professional.

“Chess is a universe in miniature, where two opposite forces correctly strive for superiority, but where the perfect outcome is a draw, leaving all in peace balance and tranquility” Number 64 is magical says Vitaly, and has secrets behind it that are yet to be revealed.

“If we continuously focus on acknowledging without a final statement and staying involved without possessing or expecting a result, the vibration of curiosity and creativity will ceaselessly do its natural work. Chess is a meditation”- Coach Vitaly


“In today's world, no one is better than AI and the way Alpha Zero, which is the strongest one today, operating by teaching itself via trial and error. I believe this is what our future holds. Self awareness by trial and error”